4th May 2024


Chronic Lateness is Hurting Your Career

Chronic Lateness

Isn’t it a bummer when someone is always late? Especially when you grow to expect it from that person? Chronic lateness seems to go from being perceived as rude to just plain hurtful. You start to subconsciously realize that they believe your time isn’t as valuable as theirs. Chronic lateness can very quickly trickle into our general businesses as well.

Managing Money: What Cruise Ship Pay Checks Taught Me

Managing Money

It’s been a while since we talked about cruise ships but I was recently reading a post somewhere that said you should try to live the first few days after you receive a paycheck the same as the last few days leading up to it (in terms of spending). I laughed because I understood the idea but then I realized, I have never fully shook the mentality of getting paid once a month.



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